Maurica James

#OpenToWork | Graphic Designer | Grafikdesignerin


Community Foundation 2020 Impact Report

This project came right as COVID-19 was about to hit, and reflected the foundation’s pivot to handle the overwhelming needs for financial support during COVID-19. Much of the content for the impact report had been decided as we started this at the beginning of 2020 to reflect on 2019. Shortly into 2020, the entire state and country shut down and this project was put on hold.

About 5 or 6 months later, the foundation reached back out to me wanting to completely change half of the impact report to reflect how each of their usual funds had changed to respond to the needs of community members. You can view the full report here.


The team at the Community Foundation wanted to change up expectations for the impact report. Typically they stuck very strictly to their branding guidelines, not allowing much room for creativity. For this report they wanted it to feel like a love letter to reflect how much they enjoyed their role in the local community. I took this concept and introduced a handwritten font that felt personable while looked less digital to introduce some authenticity to the love letter theme.

This project taught me a lot about the Affinity Publisher program, and I’m really happy with how the theme was able to be incorporated into the rest of the publication.